I haven't been blogging for AGES. I've figured to get back in blogging to use this as a space to update everyone and to simply keep track of what has happened!
First of, I'm deeply thankful and blessed to be able to type this in my cozy and spacious room here in Boston. It's been great since I came! Saying I'm not homesick is definitely a lie. ( Come on, how can one not miss home?!) Despite how much I'm missing home, my parents, my family and friends, I clearly do know that being here is definitely God's will. Therefore, I'll work hard to make Him proud! :)
I've been here for 9 days now! Wohoo! And wow.. I've grown so much in just 9 days! (Jelly bao ain't jelly anymore yo!) Haha. From doing my own laundry, buying my own groceries, selecting your own classes, going everywhere with google maps, making new friends everyday and simply to push myself doing something out of my comfort zone wasn't easy at all.
However, God has been so, so, so gracious! He has shown so much favor in big and small things from the very beginning of auditioning for Berklee, visa application, the scholarship, the flight tickets, the single room, till now I'm here at Berklee! Basically the WHOLE entire journey. And I'm telling you, it's still happening!
I'm constantly reminded that whenever I put Jesus at the centre of my life, I can see things move miraculously. I can see things happening without any explanation needed. It is that powerful. Jesus is so powerful! And I know that this is just the beginning, greater things are yet to come!
Boston is a beautiful city. It's such an inspiring environment! I'm surrounded with passionate, super talented people everyday that makes you wanna strive harder (you can cry by just passing by those practice rooms and hear other people practice).
Like I said earlier, God has been so good! Just to give you an example, my room! I'm currently staying in the dorms, however I can't choose whether to stay alone or with 2 or 3 roommates. Yep, you read that right. I can't choose! Apparently, I can't request and usually Berklee will only grant continuing students to stay in a single room. Anyway, one day, I received an email from Berklee saying I'll be having a single room! Wohoo!! AND, they recently just bought new furnitures for Fall semester. Therefore, all my furnitures are brand new! How cool is that?
Want more examples? I just posted this as my status on Facebook few days ago.
"So.. I found out that I was missing a quarter for dryer only after I put in my clothes in the washing machine (yes, you need 6 quarters for washing and 6 for drying). I quickly exchanged a quarter with the guard and the next thing I know.. the washing machine tech guy asked if I could transfer the clothes from washing machine A to the next so that he could repair machine A. In return, he'll give me a free round of tumble dry!! "
God takes care of the smallest thing in your life, too! Okay, maybe just last one. My first friend from 98 Hemenway (my apartment), is definitely a God sent angel. I was complaining about how my room was so hot (yes, for few days it was hot) and out of no where, she introduced herself and we started talking after the house meeting. She told me to place the portable fan by the window so that it can circulate the outside air and it'll be cooler. And.... it worked! So, the next day, I thought I was going to Berklee's welcome BBQ alone, I met her at the lift and we went together! The timing was perfecto. She showed me the way, introduced me to her friends and together we signed up for Berklee CF. Although it's her second year in Berklee, she never thought of joining Berklee CF but she somehow said that she would like to join Berklee CF this time! Coincidence? No, I don't think so. It's God!
There are just so much to give God all the glory and honor. I do not believe that everything has happened are all coincidence, but no other than God's almighty plan.
I do know that this is not gonna be an easy journey, but with God I can totally do this! To all the challenges that will eventually mould me into the person God wants me to be, I'm ready! God has been my strength, my comforter, guidance and He'll always be.
".. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Praise the Lord. God continue to bless you